2 Feb 2013

Bloggiesta + Reader Survey and Giveaway!

bloggiesta start line

Heys people. This weekend is another Bloggiesta, aka a blogging fiesta! Olé! (I know, I say that every Bloggiesta.) Please don't mind the dust as I make a few changes.

Since this is a mini-Bloggiesta, I only have a few goals:

  • Put a tag cloud back on my sidebar. I just miss that thing.
  • Update my pages.
  • Schedule some posts for the classics blog.
  • Finish up a post I started last night.
  • Read. This has nothing to do with blogging but I feel the need to put it on the list.
  • Participate in the Twitter chat tonight.

That's all! I probably won't participate in any mini-challenges, but we'll see how quickly I finish the above tasks.

ALSO... this may seem like a strange request, but I've been meaning to ask my readers to take a poll for a while now. This is meant to help me understand my audience a little better so I can improve my blog. All responses are voluntary and anonymous, but if you give me your e-mail I will enter you to win a copy of Gone Girl. Click here to take survey or use the embedded form below. Thank you so much!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Discus this post with me on Twitter, FaceBook, or in the comments below.