4 Mar 2013

Anti-fascists in Havering by-election face down threats from the fascist British National Party

The BNP's Attitude to Canvassing and Democracy Exposed

Anti-fascists gather in Havering to leaflet, despite BNP threats

This video speaks for itself about the attempt by a group of BNP and EDL thugs to prevent the anti-fascist leafletting of a ward in Havering.  The anti-fascists gathered at Harold Wood Station only to be met  by the fascists.  Congratulations to those who ignored the threats and continued the leafletting.  Interesting how the BNP/EDL thugs believed that only those who live in an area can leaflet an area!  ‘You’re not welcome here’ said the fascists.  One wonders who gave them the right to decide that they represented the wishes of the local people.  What is clear is that they didn’t welcome any opposition!  And it will be equally clear, come election night, just who is welcome!

But given that the BNP’s electoral strategy is in tatters, it is no wonder that they are resorting to the threat of violence.

Fascist thug on the right tries intimidating people into leaving 'you're not welcome here' (trans. 'the BNP doesn't welcome opposition'
Yesterday a group of us went out leafleting in Harold Hill, east London. There is a key by-election there, in a ward the BNP has won twice in recent years.
We are a registered third party and it is our democratic right to campaign. But local BNP activists and EDL thugs had different ideas. They mobbed up and threatened us with violence if we leafleted.

There were about 25 of us. Young and old, men and women. We had a meeting and decided that we would not be intimidated by these fascist thugs and we went ahead with our leafleting session.
The two main fascist thugs on the right
We made this short video of the day.

 We said loudly to the fascists that We Would Not Be Moved! And we took our message of HOPE to local people.

Thanks to everyone who supports our campaign and I look forward to working with you all again in the future.


Nick Lowles

To follow the HOPE not hate campaign, visit www.hopenothate.org.uk