22 Mar 2013

Bloggiesta Starting Line

bloggiesta starting line

Hello, everyone! It's that time again, when I devote more time than usual to fixing up things on la blahg for Bloggiesta, the blogging fiesta!

Here is my to-do list:

  • I really need to catch up on posts for Liquid Persuasion. I don't know why I get so far behind on that blog.
  • Update links on my resume.
  • I'm starting a new blog with Becca from Lost in Books and Tif from Tif Talks Books called Book Bloggers International, which has a planned launch date of April, so I'm going to do some stuff with that. Schedule posts, etc.
  • Maybe I'll write a few posts while I'm at it.

Anyway, those are my weekend plans! Plus working. What will you guys be up to?

Discus this post with me on Twitter, FaceBook, or in the comments below.