2 Mar 2013

J-Big Conference on Palestine Solidarity, BDS and Jewish Opposition to Zionism

 Palestine solidarity and Jewish opposition to Zionism

Saturday 2 March 2013, 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD

£10 (concessions £5)  Reservations by email to jews4big@gmail.com
Cheques to J-BIG, 4 Crestway Parade, The Crestway, Brighton, BN1 7BL
Bank transfers to Unity Trust Bank, sort code 08-60-01, account number 20241234


1.00   Welcome, registration, tea and coffee

1.15   Jewish values are not at odds with Palestinian rights
BUNDA’IM, a short film (48 minutes) introducing the last comrades of the Bund mass movement. Exterminated in Europe and ignored in Israel, its ideas live on.
The screening will be immediately followed by discussion with:
 David Rosenberg – Editorial Committee, Jewish Socialist magazine
 Antony Lerman – author of The Making and Unmaking of a Zionist

This session will deal with aspects of Zionism and Bundism in pre-WWII Poland, how Zionist leaders have marginalised Bundism in the diaspora, the relationship between Zionism and the universalist, humanitarian philosophy central to much Jewish thinking,  Zionist attacks on proponents of Jewish universalism, conflating antisemitism with opposition to Zionism.

3.15 Refreshment break

3.45 Panel discussion – BDS: imperative for all who uphold Palestinian rights, Jew or non-Jew

Sue Blackwell, British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP)
The Universities and Colleges Union faces concerted Zionist attack for its willingness to debate BDS and refusal to apply the so-called EUMC working definition of antisemitism which seeks to outlaw criticism of Israel.

Michael Deas, coordinator in Europe for the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
Why BDS is central to the anti-racist, anti-colonialist Palestinian struggle; the PACBI and BNC calls; defending the movement against Zionist attack.

John Rose, author of The Myths of Zionism
Unpicking the Zionist myths used to perpetuate the idea that Israeli Jews confront eternal Arab hatred and Israel therefore has the right to "defend itself" by any means.

Tony Greenstein or Les Levidow , Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (J-BIG)
Why it was necessary for J-BIG to publish Zionism and Antisemitism: Racist Political Twins.

5.30  Refreshment break

6.00  Entertainment compered by Deborah Fink, “The Diva with a Difference”
Music from Leon Rosselson and others (including possible guest appearance from Reem Kelani)

7 pm - Finish