24 Mar 2013

PCS Strike Against Attacks on Pay, Pensions & Conditions 20th March 2013

Solid Strike of Brighton PCS Members in DVLA, Courts and Job Centre Plus

Below are a few pictures of pickets outside the courts and Job Centre Plus in Brighton. There were also picket lines at the DVLA office which , like all others in the country, is being closed down on the grounds that the Internet makes such officers superflous!

Representative from Sussex University Occupation Addresses Picket

Nationally a quarter of million PSC members went on strike.

PCS national president Janice Godrich said "Reports show this strike has been one of the best supported ever, by members and the public."

PCS Picket at the Courts is in the background
There have been unprecedented levels of solidarity from the public and other trade unionists, with picket line visits and speakers at strike rallies.

There will be a half day strike on Friday 5th April and Mark Serwotka has called for other unions to join the PCS on Wednesday 26th June when Osborne announces the Comprehensive Spending Review.